Ovulation is a phase in the menstrual cycle when an egg is released from your ovary into the fallopian tube for sperm to fertilise it. You should use ovulation tests to determine when you’re ovulating and use the Béa Applicator.  

Ovulation testing

Ovulation tests measure the LH (luteinising hormone) levels in your urine. During a menstrual cycle, LH will rise approximately 36 hours before ovulation. Use the ovulation tests that you know and trust to track your cycle. In general, if your cycles are regular you should start ovulation testing 17 days before your next period is due and continue taking them until you have a positive reading. Read our article Ovulation tracking and detection for more information.  

Why does the Béa Applicator need to be used during ovulation?

Once you have a positive ovulation test you should use the Béa Applicator. That way – the sperm will be in place by the time you ovulate! The Béa Applicator is designed to deliver sperm to the cervix, giving sperm a better chance of getting to the fallopian tube with our custom cervical cap. By bypassing the vagina, the cap delivers three times more sperm to the cervix compared with sexual intercourse, increasing the chances of sperm reaching an egg to generate a pregnancy!