Treatment FAQs

What is ovulation and why does the Béa Applicator need to be used during ovulation?

Ovulation is a phase in the menstrual cycle when an egg is released from your ovary into the fallopian tube for sperm to fertilise it. You should use ovulation tests to determine when you’re ovulating and use the Béa Applicator.  ...

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What ovulation tests should I use?

Ovulation tests, ovulation predictor kits, dipsticks – whatever you may call them – all measure the LH (luteinising hormone) levels in your urine. This happens 1–2 days before ovulation – letting you know when you are most likely to conceive.  There are...

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Ovulation tracking and detection

Ovulation tracking can help you determine when you ovulate, as you’re more likely to get pregnant by performing a home insemination around the time you’re ovulating. When does ovulation usually occur? Ovulation is the phase in the menstrual cycle where...

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